Next, the magician will present a truly impossible illusion that street magicians have showcased on TV. Normally, they pull a spectator out of the crowd, but the magician will use his assistant. I don't blame him; she seems up for a challenge. He displays an ordinary deck of playing cards and fans them for the girl. He tells her that he wants her to select one of the cards at random, asking her to say "stop" whenever she wants as he riffles the deck. She says "stop," and the chosen card is the king of clubs. For this beauty queen, she places the card back into the deck as the magician shields his eyes. He shuffles the cards, making any chance of finding her card hopeless. He throws the deck against a solid plate glass window. Miraculously, one card is stuck to the glass. Look at that, it's the king of clubs! But wait, it's on the opposite side of the glass. He's not only found her card, he's caused it to penetrate the solid window. The magician enters the room and retrieves her card from the inside of the window. Now, that is an incredible trick and one that gives street magicians the credibility they need to impress girls like this. I have to know the secret. How does the magician, in plain view of his spectator, make a chosen card pass through the plate-glass window? Here's the secret: The magician shows his volunteer a deck of cards and asks her to make a random selection. The first secret is that the selection isn't random at all. Before the trick began, the magician took a pair of scissors and sliced off the top of one card. This card will be his marker since it's now 1/4 inch shorter than the rest...
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